separatore sassolini colorati Eastern Gothic Line Museum - Chiesa della Pace


Where is it:

Via Cà Bartolino, | Montescudo-Monte Colombo, (RN)

Orari visite:

Non disponibili
Following thorough restoration, this collection is now housed in the ancient Romanesque church of Trarivi.
separatore sassolini colorati

Other Proposals of the Territory

Gemmano (RN)
Gemmano (RN)
Mondaino (RN)
Mondaino (RN)
Montefiore Conca (RN)
Montefiore Conca (RN)
Montegridolfo (RN)
Montegridolfo (RN)
Montescudo-Monte Colombo (RN)
Montescudo-Monte Colombo (RN)
Morciano di Romagna (RN)
Morciano di Romagna (RN)
Saludecio (RN)
Saludecio (RN)
San Clemente (RN)
San Clemente (RN)
Sassofeltrio (RN)
Sassofeltrio (RN)
26 Lug - 01 Set 2024

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Coriano (RN)
27 Lug 2024

Moving pawns